Friday, August 29, 2008

3 Sentences

Just yesterday I came across a great time-saving idea on Los' blog. I added it to my email signature and have been immediately challenged to shorten my emails. How much extra time do you think you would have if all of your outgoing emails as well as your incoming emails were 3 sentences or less? I've got my feet up on my desk already...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Giant Acorn and World Vision

I am 46% of the way toward my goal of raising $1,000 for World Vision as I also train for the Giant Acorn Triathlon in Lake Anna. Take a look at this...

Now scroll down to the First Giving widget in the left-hand column. Click on donate and help me out as we change the world while simultaneously decreasing my waistline.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Confession is Good for the Soul

Today I need to confess something to you. Sometimes  I feel like this.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Saddleback's Civil Forum

If you did not catch Rick Warren spending an hour with Barack Obama followed by another hour with John McCain, then head over here and invest the time. I think you will enjoy the casual atmosphere that allows us all some insight into our two presidential candidates.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Married Life Live

We are making some really cool adjustments to our quarterly Married Life Live event and you are going to love them. For now we are keeping them under wraps, but you are going to want to set aside Saturday night, October 25th as a date night with your spouse. You'll join with others from Destiny as we all strengthen our marriages together.

This is going to be fun.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Standing or Sitting

This past Sunday I finished up my message on obedience from Jonah 1, by asking people to stand if they were willing to pray the following  prayer:

God, whatever you say, I will do.
God, wherever you direct, I will go.
God, my answer is "yes".  Now, what is the question?

It was encouraging to see people throughout the auditorium stand in favor of obedience in their own personal lives. My hope is that this was a moment with God that they will not soon forget. Please pray for these folks.

There were also many who did not stand up this past Sunday. That is a huge statement to make as others rise up around you. Please pray for these folks as well, because they are also on a journey toward Jesus and God desires to meet them exactly where they are.

So, today, whether you are a stander or a sitter God still screams out to each of us:  "I came that (you) might have life, and have it to the fullest!" (John 10:10)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wild Goose Chase

I've had a full summer of reading and am currently being challenged by some great books by Bill George and Craig Groeschel that I picked up at the Leadership Summit.

I am, however, looking to complete my summer reading with the newest book by Mark Batterson of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day fame. Mark's newest book is called Wild Goose Chase and here is a taste of it from the book's introduction:

“Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit–An Geadh-Glas, or ‘the Wild Goose.’ The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it’s like to follow the Spirit through life. I think the Celtic Christians were on to something….

Most of us will have no idea where we are going most of the time. And I know that is unsettling. But circumstantial uncertainty also goes by another name: Adventure.”

Mark's publisher is sending me two copies of the book, so if you are interested in your own "free" copy,  then just leave me a comment and I'll get my extra one to you to enjoy. Otherwise you will need to head over to Amazon and buy your own...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Learning as I go...

I have just transferred 100 American dollars into my daughter's checking account.

I now have a firm grasp on how my 14 year old is motivated.

A Wise Investment

As I write this, my non-roller-coaster-rider daughter is waiting in line to ride Fahrenheit at Hershey Park. I nonchalantly offered her a c-note if she were to overcome her fear and ride. I'm realizing now that I may be out some serious cash.

This was, perhaps, not my finest hour of parenting.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday at the Summit

Today's experience at the Summit was full of challenge including these gems:

"In order to reach the people that no one else is reaching, you must do what no one else is doing." -Craig Groeschel (

"I respect and value other religious traditions, but follow mine because it is true." -Chuck Colson (Prison Fellowship)

"Get up. Get your instructions (from God) for the day. And then carry them out." -Catherine Rohr (Prisoner Entrepeneurship Program)

Those three are just the tip of the iceberg. If you are looking for a more full synopsis, check out Tim's take.

Powerful Quote

There was a lot of wisdom shooting around the room yesterday at the Leadership Summit. But one particular quote will stick with me for a while. Gary Haugen of the International Justice Mission said

If you want your leadership to matter,
lead in the things that matter to  God.

Does your leadership matter?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Female Speak

The Leadership Summit officially begins tomorrow, but today Maureen attended the women's pre-conference. She was challenged by the discussion and I'm sure she will blog about it over at Moments. One key phrase from the pre conference that she did share with me was:

"Pull up your big girl panties and get over it."

I'm not sure I'm allowed to utter the above phrase or even if I would want to, but I'm still intrigued by it. I think there is a good reason why men are not allowed to attend women's conferences.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Windy City

I'm in Chicago and have been to the top of the Sears Tower and eaten deep dish pizza. I'm here for the Willow Creek Leadership Summitbut am loving a city that I have not been to in about 20 years.

I'll be sure to pass on some of what I'm learning here at the Summit as well as what I'm eating. Next meal I'm looking forward to should be at the Weber Grill Restaurant.