Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Church on time...

Most of us were on time for our own wedding ceremony.
We probably all have made the effort to be early for important an job interview.
My kids rush out the door every day to make it to the bus stop on time.

Far too many of us wander in late for Church. I know, I know, "the kids spilled Cheerios in the car" or "the dog ate your car keys." I know it isn't easy to get to Church on time. But somehow, in the midst of all this other stuff, we make it to the other important engagements on time....

Let me encourage you to consider your time at Church as your most important appointment of the week. During this time you get to speak to and hear from the Creator of the Universe. So use your Iphone, or your dayplanner to remind you of this important rendezvous and do all that you can to be there ready for what God has for you. You just might be surprised by what God has to say to you during those precious first 10 minutes of worship.

See ya there early this Sunday.