Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dexter at Destiny II

Coming off of the season of Lent just before Easter, I am acutely aware of my addictive personality. My 11 year old son and I both gave up soda for the 40 days before Easter and to some that would not be a big deal but to me, who craves Dr. Pepper, that was huge. 

The spiritual act of fasting allows God to work through our addictions and for us to focus on him instead of our eating, our tv viewing, our social networking or our carbonated beverage consuming.  Today, right now, is there something that you are "addicted" to that you'd be willing to give up for the month of April? 

If you will be bold enough to share with me what you'd like to give up, then I'll join you for that 30 day period and be committed to pray for your fast daily. There's no Biblical basis or Church history that encourages April fasting, I just thought it would be a cool idea, what do you think?

I'll let you know on Monday just what I'm going to give up in April... 

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