Thursday, November 8, 2007

Quiet Times, Exercise, and Flossing

Tomorrow all three of the kids and I head over to the dentist. I'm not sure how Mo has delegated this to me, but for some reason, when she goes to the dentist, she goes alone. That is an issue for another blog on another day.

Today, I want to confess that I am planning on lying tomorrow morning. When the hygienist asks me if I floss regularly, I'll respond positively and she will know I'm lying because she'll be cleaning my teeth moments later. For some reason I still feel compelled to stretch the truth. I will continue to develop my theological position on preemptive confession, but I'm pretty sure it ain't going to help.

Finally, let me lay out the 3 components that make a great day for my wife: quiet time with God, exercise and flossing. According to her criteria, I've only had a handful of "great days".

What makes a great day for you?

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