Sunday, December 9, 2007

Water to Wine

Today at Destiny we continued our look into 5 miracles that Jesus performed. Today's miracle was "the first of his miraculous signs...He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him". Greg explained the intricacies of an ancient wedding and the importance of this symbolic (albeit real) act. If you missed this message, you should check it out at the Destiny Podcast site.

One characteristic of Jesus that is often missed in the accounts from the Gospels is that He did some fairly normal things in between speaking to thousands, healing many and performing amazing miracles.  Jesus was at a wedding when he performed this first miracle. That means that he got a normal invitation to the wedding, had friends and family that wanted him there, enjoyed celebrations and may have even picked out some ugly candlesticks as a wedding present.

The point is that God stooped down to earth in the body of a man and lived with us. Everything was normal except that Jesus was without sin and that the goal of His life was sacrifice (two huge points, by the way!). As you prepare for Christmas, take some time to read Luke 2 and consider the incredible step God took in sending his son to be born among us.

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