Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Muscle Confusion and the April Challenge

In athletic training, there is a term tossed around: Muscle Confusion. The basic gist is that your body tends to plateau during your training and that you need to change things up in order to keep progressing.

That was the basis for my April Challenge. I don't want to stay on a plateau spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually or any other -ally. I want to continue to grow and be better. I think the April Challenge helped me along that path...

Spiritually, I have incorporated different forms of "worship" into my daily life for 27 of the last 30 days. Some days have been incredible, some days marginal, but all days habit-forming. This is an easy addition to my spiritual regimen.

"Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise."  Psalm 100

Physically, I have broken through the 5 day a week barrier and have enjoyed more physical and mental energy as a result of daily exercise. This, too, has become a bit of a habit, or perhaps an addiction (I love those endorphins).

"Do you not know  that your  body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you  were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."  I Corinthians 6:19-20

Confectionally, I have exercised great self-control and except for a few serious lapses in judgement (Chick Fil A Milk Shake, A&W Root Beer Float, Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day), have held back the draw of the sweet tooth.  I did this mostly to see if I could, and now will go back to the philosophy of dessert is good.
"Everything in moderation."    -Aristotle

Cindy and Mandy,  how did you do?


Anonymous said...

I got a VERY late start in the April challenge, but I'm happy to say that I upped my God time every day to include something besides worship music in my car....which was about all that I was giving Him time for. the last 3 thoughts in my daily readings have been: 4/28- Those who control their anger have great understanding. Could totally be on a fortune cookie. :) 4/29- The LORD is in this place. I sure felt that Sunday at was so worshipful..even though this was tuesday's reading, it brought me right back to Sunday's message and the worship. 4/30 Today.. Keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts. Amazing how when I take the time to listen...God will tell me exactly what I need to hear when I need it. I'm going to continue my challenge into May. I have to carve the time and have managed to do it....I'll keep ya' posted.

Cindy and the Wards said...

Cindy who?